The New Resurrection

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11.25-26)
Jesus proclaimed these powerful words of truth and hope upon the death of Lazarus – before Jesus resurrected Lazarus back to life.  Jesus is the “resurrection and the life” – He is all that we need now and for eternity.  Then, Jesus asked Martha, a life-changing question: “Do you believe this?”

Martha, the sister of Mary and Lazarus, who was perplexed, angry and confused by the seemingly disregard Jesus had for her brother didn’t fully comprehend, let alone believe what Jesus was saying at the time.  Perhaps her eyes were opened a bit more, and her faith grew, when her brother walked out of the tomb.

It’s a question we all have to answer, even if in this world we do not fully understand its ramification.  We want to believe.  We believe as much as we can comprehend in this world.  Yet, even during these times, we too are like Martha – we don’t fully understand – we are looking to Jesus to do something – we are a bit perplexed why nothing seems to be happening – maybe even a bit angry – but do we believe in the Resurrection?  Not just the Resurrection of Jesus, but of our lives as well.  Not just at the final Resurrection – but do we believe that even now we can experience the “Resurrection and Life of Jesus”?  Do we believe that God is doing a “new thing”?  Do we believe that there will be what some of us are calling a “New Resurrection”, where the old is past, and the new becomes revealed.
As I’ve said before, it’s like the cocoon.  God is changing a caterpillar into a butterfly.  We can’t see the transformation until it comes out of the cocoon.  Martha could not see what Jesus meant until her brother came out of the tomb.  We may not see what God is up to during this pandemic - until we begin to experience the New Resurrection.

For too long we have perhaps lived in the tomb – comfortable with the darkness of our lives and the complacency of our faith.  We have been going through the motions,  without knowing it, yet even the motions have become laborious and lifeless.  God is doing something new, even now, even before we come fully out of this pandemic.

God is whispering to us – He is breathing into our souls – He is inviting us to come out of the tomb, out of the darkness, out of our lethargy, out of our mundane rituals of life and faith – He is inviting us to allow Him to strip of us that which has kept us from experiencing the Resurrected Life that is ours through Christ.

And as He invites us to come out, I believe that we will be given new clothes – we will exchange our death rags for new garments – garments of joy, peace, life, hope, peace – we will receive a New Resurrection.  Don’t try to dress yourself.  You may just go back to the old and comfortable garments.  Sit with the Lord, be still with Him - know, trust and believe that He is God.  Allow Him to begin stripping you of the old clothes.  Ask Him to reveal to you what it is He wants to clothe you with and allow Him to begin breathing life into your soul in ways you have not experienced or cannot even imagine.
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