John The Baptist: Confused, Troubled, Doubting (11AM)

May 15, 2022    Curt McFarland

What do we do when we have doubts about our faith? Do we feel safe enough to engage those doubts, wrestle with them, and then admit to other Christians that we are struggling and unsure? I'm not sure we feel church is a safe place to admit our doubts. Maybe some will think we've "lost our faith." Maybe they'll think it's contagious.

For some faith may be one long continuous straight upward line... My faith isn't so straight and it's not continuously upward. It actually looks a lot like the ups and downs of the Stock Market. Honest doubts are normal and natural for most of us. And honesty about honest doubts should be a valued part of the fabric of life at Grace of Christ. When we admit that, live that, and support each other in the midst of our doubts, we find ourselves in good company, God's company too.

Many of the heroes of faith in the Bible struggled with doubts. The Psalms are brutally honest about doubt (read Psalm 73). The disciple Thomas had his doubts... actually all the disciples did. And our person of focus this morning, the great John the Baptist, had doubts too. Good news! God is patient with doubters, He loves doubters, He welcomes doubters. May we here at Grace do the same!