The Disciple Thomas (9AM)
This morning we welcome our dear friend Monsignor Ecker, on loan from St. Paul’s Cathedral. Next Sunday Curt will be there. This exchange and relationship began during Pastor Rick Murray’s years. Monsignor is one of Yakima’s true treasures. He is a pastor to the entire city. He leads with compassion. He has a genuine love for Jesus. He has a deep commitment to our community, and the people in our community. He is a leading voice, and has been through all of his years, for bringing Christians together, bringing our city together.
This morning we will be introduced again to the disciple Thomas. A few things we know about Thomas: he was a twin, he was cautious, he had his doubts, he also had incredible faith. Jesus saw beyond Thomas’ questions, fears, and doubts and welcomed him in as one of His core groups. Jesus invites us too, doubts, questions and all.