Living Stones
As we look at I Peter 2.4-6, we will focus on the concept that you and I, as individual members of the church are "Living Stones" connected to the Cornerstone Jesus Christ. As "Living Stones", God is building us into a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices. The church is a living organism, not a building made of brick and mortar. However, there is comfort when we gather together as the "Church" on Sunday mornings.
During this time you may not feel very connected. You may feel alone. You may wonder how God can possibly use this time to build us into a spiritual house. Peter encourages us by reminding us that we are "living stones", not just a pile of rocks. We are not the church simply because we gather together on Sunday mornings, sitting in our preferred pew and singing our preferred songs. Yes, on Sunday mornings, we are the Church, united even in our diversity. Yet, we are still the church when we go our separate ways after the Benediction or Postlude or after our time of fellowship in the Garden Room.
If you happen to be living alone, staying at home, confined to your place, you are not alone. God is with you. Others are praying for you and with you. We are united even when we are separated. We are all doing our part, what God puts on our heart, and God is the one who will do the work to build His Church, and even enlarge His Kingdom as people come to faith in Him even in turbulent times like this. If we do nothing else during this time, as living stones, let's pray for the lost to find their way home.