God Knows
by Bill Williamson on August 28th, 2020
“We are given no signs from God; no prophets are left, and none of us knows how long this will be.” (Psalm 74.9) Like the Psalmist, we have no idea when this pandemic will be over. We get some signs of improvement – little by little our country, our world, is opening up – and then there’s an increase of new Covid19 cases and things seem to shut down again – “none of us knows how long this will be.” Fortunately, God knows.   Read More
Good Fruit
by Bill Williamson on August 12th, 2020
“So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit.” (Matthew 7.17) - The good news is this: we already possess what we need to produce good fruit. We already have within us what we need to be “healthy”. We don’t need to read some self-help book, or join the latest healthy eating plan or find the best fitness programs to be healthy in the way Jesus means. He is basically stating the facts. A tree that is in bad shape, not being well taken care of, has a disease, will produce bad fruit. It cannot, and will not produce good fruit. In fact, Jesus says elsewhere, that tree needs to be cut down and thrown into the fire.  Read More
Now Is The Time
by Bill Williamson on July 30th, 2020
There may be times when it is clear that God created you “for such a time as this” – that you, and you alone are the right person, in the right place, at the right time to do what God’s wants to done. Could this pandemic be such a time? During this time of uncertainty, maybe it’s time to ask God, “What would you have me do at this time?” Could God be preparing you to do something you have imagined doing, dreamed about doing, but have never seriously considered taking the steps to make it happen?  Read More
Taste & See
by Bill Williamson on July 22nd, 2020
I have been enjoying our youngest daughter living with us these days. She has become the “home chef” - introducing us to some fine cuisine (most of it is vegan, but it is really delicious). It got me thinking about Psalm 34.8: “Taste and See that the Lord is good!” To “taste” something means we have to eat something. What is it God wants us to eat and taste? I looked up the word “eat” in the Bible, and was surprised at how many verses talk about this very common, ordinary act. But, I sense something more profoundly Spiritual than just eating a meal. After all, “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on ever word that comes from the mouth of God.” To taste the goodness of God is about digesting the presence of God by savoring the Word of God...  Read More
Set Your Mind
by Bill Williamson on July 15th, 2020
I am a fan of the Winnie the Pooh stories. You have Eeyore - Ever the pessimist. Then, there’s Tigger - Always bouncing around on his tail, perhaps having his head in the clouds a little too much. There are other characters, but those two seem to be the extremes. I see Winnie the Pooh right in the middle of Eeyore and Tigger. Pooh seems to be a realist. He seems to just go with the flow, And, no matter what happens, he is always able to find his “happy place..."  Read More
God Is Love
by Bill Williamson on July 9th, 2020
“This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.” I John 4.10 As the saying goes: You are not loved because you are valuable;you are valuable because you are loved. God does not love you because you are valuable.God does not love you because you finally chose to love Him.God does not love you because you are smart, perfect, funny, go...  Read More