9A Worship - Capturing The Holiness

Mar 16, 2025    Robin Stuber

Who or what holds power in your life? Who or what do you worship? These are age old questions and whether we admit it or not, we all have idols. As a society, the objects of worship often prevail over the worship of an unseen God.

In first Samuel, we see that the Philistines and Israel are the same in this regard. Israel has the ark of the covenant – Philistines have Dagon. But God has the power in the end. Why is this so hard? For them, for us it has been a continuous struggle of focus from the beginning of time. The seen tangible object versus the unseen holiness of God. The propensity of people to attach their worship to an object of their own making goes all the way back to the golden calf forged in the wilderness out of fear and impatience. And it’s true even today those two dynamics, fear and waiting often lead us to turn to objects for comfort, soothing our troubled souls because it’s easier to do something than simply to wait and trust an unseen God.

What are you waiting for today? Where are you putting your trust? Consider that the holiness of God is no longer contained in an object or a box, but is now by the power of the Holy Spirit residing in us.