Soaring Like Eagles
Isaiah 40 is one of the better-known texts in the book of Isaiah. It is well-known because it is well-loved. It is loved because it strikes a familiar chord with so many of us weary pilgrims who travel this journey in life. At times all of us have been weary. Our experiences can be exhausting. We can become discouraged, especially now during this trying time of uncertainty and unrest.
Our God does not grow tired or weary! In fact, Isaiah says, “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.” Are you weak today?
We might grow tired and weary “but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.” It’s not maybe or they might – it’s they will renew their strength. The strength that is received from the Lord will be such that they feel able to soar on wings like eagles – to run and not grow weary – to walk and not be faint. Don’t you want that kind of strength today?