Dry Bones
As we take a pause from our study of Nehemiah, we will be looking at Ezekiel 37. Take time to read the entire chapter. Pray for God to use this vision of Ezekiel to breathe life into your heart, soul, mind and body. Pray for God to begin showing us the winds of change that are happening, even now, as He brings about a change in the atmosphere.
At creation the Spirit of God hovered over the earth. The Spirit of God continues to not only hover over the earth, but is involved in everything. The Holy Spirit breathes new life into those who have received the new and abundant life of Christ. Today, may the Holy Spirit continue to bring about the winds of change that is necessary for all of us to taste and see the goodness of God. May the winds of change bring about a shift in the atmosphere as we go and make disciples of all nations. May we give life to those we encounter as we continue to grow in what it means to Love God and Love Others, Love our Neighbors, and even Love our Neighbors.