
May 17, 2020    Bill Williamson

As we continue looking at Habakkuk, we will see God begin to reveal to Habakkuk what He is going to do in response to Habakkuk's prayers. As we saw last week, from verse 5, God is doing something, He is at work, even if we don't see what He is doing. And, what God is doing may not be anything we could have imagined or believed. As we continue on in verse 6, God shares more of how God is preparing to answer Habakkuk's prayers.

The answer is nowhere near what Habakkuk was thinking it would be. In fact, as he continues to wrestle with God, I can hear him saying, "Are you kidding me?" But, once again, we will see that Habakkuk resolves to keep asking, seeking and knocking, even as he waits, watches and listens.