Dec 6 - Peace For The Holidays
Referring to the time when Jesus would no longer be physically with the disciples, Jesus said to them: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” (John 14.27)
This Sunday is the 2nd Sunday of Advent when we focus on the Peace of Christ. Because of the birth, life, death and resurrection of Christ, we have been given peace with God and from God. Having been reconciled to our Heavenly Father through the blood of Christ, we have peace with God. When Jesus ascended into Heaven, He sent us the Holy Spirit, who would then give us internal peace – a peace that passes all understanding.
This Sunday we also will share in Communion. The meal that Jesus had with the disciples, we now share together, doing so in remembrance of the One who was born to die, in order that all who believe in Him might live. As we continue to prepare ourselves to celebrate the birth of Christ, we will take time to be reminded that He who was born a baby would grow up to be the Suffering Servant, the Lamb of God, who would lay down His life for us. We then, are to do likewise. We are to be Ambassadors for Christ, becoming like Him as we love others through sacrificial acts of service – Drops of Grace.