Pride & The Far Country
Last Sunday we saw that the self-centered nature of sin causes us to operate from a spirit of entitlement. The Prodigal Son wanted what he had coming to him, and he wanted it now. He does have the right to receive his portion of the inheritance. However, to ask for it before his father is even dead is a very selfish request. It revealed his disrespect for his father, his family, and even his faith. The younger son wanted to live life on his terms. That is the nature of sin.
As we continue in Luke 15, we will see that the younger son packs up all he has and hits the road. He eventually ends up in the "far country". It is believed to be a land occupied by Gentiles. Although life does not get better for him, nothing can stop him from his pursuit of independence. It may be that his self-centeredness drove him to the far country. However, it is his pride that keeps him from going home.