Today we gather together to worship the One who was born in Bethlehem. Like the Magi from long ago, we come to worship the One who was born the King of the Jews. We coming bringing our gifts, humbly bowing before the One who is now the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We come on bended knee, knowing that it is through the infant Jesus that God came to us, Immanuel, God with us. We come with our shouts of praise, knowing that He who was born King of the Jews offered Himself for our sins. We offer ourselves to God, lifting up the name of Jesus, for by His death on the tree, the veil in the Temple has been torn, the dividing wall of separation has been destroyed, and all are invited to come to God's throne of grace to receive mercy in time of need.
This morning, you are invited to come and worship with all your heart, soul, mind and body. Experience the wonder of what took place in Bethlehem over 2000 years ago. Allow God to reveal the reason of the season as you consider the birth, death and resurrection of Christ.