Serve Like Christ

Jun 30, 2019    Bill Williamson    Luke 22:24-27

As I think about what it means to serve like Christ, I can't help but think back to last week. During VBS there were so many people, young and old, who were serving those who came, displaying the love of Christ. It is during times of humble service, done in the name of Christ, that God's amazing grace is revealed. Christ lives in us. Therefore, as we serve others, it is Christ who is actually serving them. It is during acts of humble service that the Holy Spirit pricks the hearts and souls of individuals. It is through that DROP of Grace, a gracious act of service, that people see Jesus in us.
Unfortunately, in our world today, an act of kindness, a service done for someone, is often received with skepticism. Many people don't believe someone can do something without wanting something in return. Too many times people believe there is a "catch". And for good reason. We live in a world where people are out for themselves. Too many people in today's world are climbing the ladder to some kind of significance, stepping on others in the process, only wanting to advance themselves, even if it's for a good cause. It is hard to keep the ego out of the picture. Jesus came to earth and not only taught, but displayed just the opposite. He left the top echelon, the heavens, not counting equality with God something to be grasped, emptying Himself, sacrificing Himself, becoming a human, a servant, with no expectations, no conditions, living a humble and obedient life that led to the cross. That is the sign of true servanthood.