The Holy Spirit Working Through Barnabas & Saul pt. 1, 9AM

Jun 16, 2024    Curt McFarland

This morning, not only in our church but across the country, father’s, grandfather’s, uncles, men of all shapes and sizes, are celebrated. I am thankful for those who stepped into my life and helped me understand what it meant to be a man; particularly a Christian man, husband and father (now grandfather). Many of those who influenced and guided me were not related by blood, but by a shared faith.

In our long passage today (even though only a portion is included below, please read the entire passage) the Holy Spirit is present, the church listens, obeys, and sends. Three men set out. Their message of Jesus infects and inspires as it crosses national borders, religious prejudices and persecutions and reshapes human history, our history.