9A Worship

Oct 6, 2024    Dennis Whitcher

Acts 18 recounts the end of Paul's second missionary journey. He leaves Athens for Corinth, in southern Greece, and works with Priscilla and Aquila as a tentmaker until Silas and Timothy rejoin him. The team stays eighteen months with no significant pressure. Eventually, Paul, Priscilla, and Aquila sail east to Ephesus. Paul leaves a short time later for Judea and Syrian Antioch before returning to Galatia for his third missionary journey. Meanwhile, Priscilla and Aquilla host the church in Ephesus and train a talented speaker named Apollos to be a minister of Christ.


Ministry is never reserved for just a handful of Christians. But when that ministry becomes, as it was intended to be, the work of the entire body, then it is not very long before the world around begins to be changed. Think these things through, and ask yourself: "Have I found my spiritual gift?" and "Am I ministering with it as a member of the body of Christ?" "Am I part of the moving of the body of Christ in this area, to accomplish what God wants done?"


God told Paul in a vision, "Do not be afraid...I am with you." God is looking for availability, not ability.