Lost And Found
This week we begin to look at the Parable of the Prodigal, or Lost Son. As we will see this week, in Luke 15 Jesus tells three different parables about something or someone that was lost, but then is found, and once found there is a celebration. We have probably all experienced losing something, or probably more accurately, forgetting where we placed something.
There is a moment of panic, then a frantic search for the item, and hopefully most times, what was lost, or misplaced, is found and there is such great relief. You almost feel like throwing a party.
With the Parable of the Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin, and the Lost Son, there was indeed a party that was thrown. But, that's not the point of the stories. Jesus makes it clear that each of those stories is about how lost people were found by God, and that when anyone who is lost is found by Christ, there is a party going on in heaven. Perhaps you can remember such a time, a day, or a gradual experience when Christ became your Lord and Savior. You were lost, but eventually, by the pursuit of God through the Holy Spirit, you were found. A party was thrown in your honor. You were lost, far from God, far from home, but now you are found, you have been redeemed and reconciled to your Heavenly Father.
As we look into the story of the Lost Son, and as you may participate in reading the AHA book on your own or in a group, may God continue to bring you closer to Himself and to others, as we journey together to our eventual homecoming celebration.