reflections from 2023

by Curt McFarland
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”  Hebrews 13:8

As I write this introduction for our 2024 annual meeting, I am in South Carolina with leaders of churches from across our country belonging to our Presbyterian denomination (ECO: Evangelical Covenant Order of Presbyterians). Presbyterians are not eager to divide. We tend to work diligently to preserve unity. But there are times when certain lines have been crossed and difficult, unwanted, painful, decisions are made.

Presbyterians understand that no denomination, no church, no individual Christian, has it all worked out, has arrived, is problem-free. That knowledge highlights our need for God. We live each day, each moment, dependent on His generous, patient, grace. We move forward humbly, gently, cautiously, as we trust the One who “is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” We wander and change … He remains the same.

That’s where we stand in 2024. As we pause and look back there is much to celebrate here at First Pres|Grace (I am intentional about using both names). God is faithfully at work in and among us. The miracle of lives (ours and others) drawing closer to Jesus, to each other, to the community and world in which we live, is exciting. We are exploring and engaging new opportunities to live for, and to love, Jesus. We are a Jesus church, praying that, by the power and mercy of God, we would be Jesus people. As we move forward we are also mindful of our past. There is so much we are grateful for, and yet there are also points of deep pain which we must acknowledge, repent of, learn from, and not repeat. That’s the journey we are on. We are entering uncertain times with a certain Savior, Jesus.

ECO Denomination
In the course of the 130+ years First Pres|Grace has been a part of three, possibly four, different Presbyterian organizations. In the late 1800’s the northern and southern branches separated over convictions related to American slavery. Clearly that was important enough to take a stand on, and to divide over.

Some 60 years later, the 1920’s, just about the time our church was built on corner of Yakima Ave and 8th Ave, significant theological concerns were brewing that caused a large number of churches to pull away from others (this concern was focused mainly among the northern association of Presbyterians). I don’t believe our church joined those who separated at that point … but the denomination changed.
After another 60 years, in the 1980’s, we joined a new Presbyterian family that formed by reuniting many of the churches that originally divided over slavery. But even then, the numerical decline in our denomination was alarming.  Since the 1980’s membership in the PCUSA dropped from over 3 million to just over 1 million (during that time, 40 years, the US population added more than 100 million).  And then 30 years beyond that (2012-2013), another theological and organizational crisis (in the PCUSA) caused the formation of a new Presbyterian community (ECO).  The concerns raised in the former denomination reached a level that resulted in many churches (including a good number in Central Washington) joining this new iteration. First Pres | Grace made that heart-wrenching decision.  The main factors behind the choice to join the ECO denomination were: 1) the belief that the PCUSA had gotten so top-heavy, so out of touch with local congregations, that it no longer served, or represented, First Pres | Grace well, and 2) more importantly, there was no longer a common understanding on the boundaries of acceptable Christian belief within the PCUSA.  There were constant, ongoing, consuming, debates on the value of the Bible, the identity and work of Jesus, the need to share Christian faith with others.  Often these differences were painted as a debate over morality, but those were symptoms of deeper concerns.

I have always been a voice for, and an advocate of, living out both grace and truth, even when a denominational separation occurs.  We must not vilify those who prayerfully chose to remain with the former denomination.  We must continue to view them as dear Christian brothers and sisters.  We must wish them well and pray for them as they live out their understanding of our mutual faith.  It is messier this way.  We are forbidden to dismiss, ignore, slander, accuse.  We have received God’s Grace, we call ourselves Grace of Christ, and that requires that we live out Grace in all of our relationships.  We also hold Truth.  We believe God revealed Truth about Himself, Truth about us, Truth about this world.  Regardless of temptations to re-shape truth to make us more comfortable that is not an option we can pursue.  The Christian way is always more difficult.  At First Pres | Grace we will continue to try, relying on the Holy Spirit of God, to live out BOTH Grace AND Truth.

(The group picture was taken in late November 2023 when youth and adults came together to decorate the church for Christmas.)

grace of christ church officers

Doug Bernd, Janet Krieger, Duncan McRayde, Keith Mathews, Shane Merril, Trinidad Rivera, Jeff Steere, Robin Stuber, Dennis Whitcher, and Clerk of Session Jeff Arkills

Michael Bealer, Jeanne Breeding, Becky Briere, Janet Doty, Loxi Engebretson, Edith Figueroa-Gonzalez, Debbie Girard, Larry Handy, Cordy Jennings, Randy & Robbie Johnson, Matt & Sarah Miles, Cindy Peugh, Jean Schiewe, Monte Schilperoort, Cathy Simons*, Peggy Steere*, Diane Williams, and Kathy Zeigler. *Moderators
Deacon Report Below.

Amae Merrill (Chair), Linda Mathews (Co-Chair), Ellen Bartelli, Lyndal Davis, Carla Kupp, Alex Rule, and Michael Sorenson
Nominating committee met throughout 2023 to pray and listen for God’s leading on leaders for the church. We also began the process of putting together the Pastor Nominating Committee which will be finalized in early 2024. Through prayer and listening for God’s leading we were able to present for nomination 3 Elders and 5 Deacons.

deacon ministry

The 2023 deacon board consisted of 21 installed deacons who serve the body at Grace of Christ. There are many ministries in our church, but the deacon ministry can and does minister to the entire Grace family.

Our ministry serves the congregation in preparing communion elements and leads with the elders in serving the communion elements on communion Sunday’s. For members who are no longer able to attend church we reach out to the home centered persons and visit them monthly. We enjoy the time spent with them to provide friendship, prayer, and gifts from our church to celebrate different holidays. One home centered person shared with her deacon her appreciation of receiving an amaryllis bulb at Christmas. She called her deacon and said, “Thank you, thank you, for the beautiful flower.” 

Deacons reach out to our entire church members by occasionally providing Wednesday night meals and serving root beer floats on Father’s Day. As a team, we are delighted to serve our congregation in entertaining ways.  Look forward to seeing how we might serve you in 2024!

One of the most rewarding areas of service for deacons is to be a part of helping a grieving family in celebrating the life of a loved one. Deacons prepare a meal to be enjoyed by the family and friends after the funeral service. The family has an opportunity to request food items that the deceased enjoyed. We had fun serving a “High Tea” luncheon that was complete with teacups and pots that were collected by the deceased.  We enjoyed dressing for the part in serving the guest that added to the celebration.  The family shared “I will forever be grateful to the entire deacon team who enveloped me and my whole family with love and compassion during a time of great sorrow.”

It is with enthusiasm that each member of the deacon board who are active, dedicated, and enjoy the calling that we have in serving our church body in and outside of our church building. Please consider joining our area of service in the future.

Submitted by Cathy Simons
Deacon co-moderator

Pictures: (1) Deacons serving at a Celebration of Life Reception (2) Preparing for Communion (3) Amaryllis blooming (gift from Deacons).


by Peggy Schaffer
2023 Personnel Committee: Peggy Schaffer, Jeff Steere, Duncan McRayde and Curt McFarland

Tammy gives us regular financial updates. In 2023, minimum wage in Washington went up to $15.74 pr hour. Discussion on how this would affect cost of living increases for staff. Also discussed benefits, future plans, existing salaries, potential retirements and the status of Grace of Christ’s financial picture now and in the future.

We continue to brainstorm ideas on how to celebrate and recognize staff and discuss possible staff retention incentives. Curt implemented the new employee evaluation instrument on or around each employee’s hire date. Goals of individual employees are stressed. Peggy worked with Becca to create an appropriate pre-school tool. (Personnel created a similar instrument for the evaluation of Pastor Curt in September.) While much input was given by individuals and departments, we hope to include even more feedback this year.) Another excellent, full day all-staff in-service took place in May. Jeff and Peggy met with the staff in June to explain several restructuring steps. (Bladimir no longer on payroll, front office to be covered by Aaron upon Jennifer’s resignation, Alex going to half time. Also emphasized the importance of having Ericka at her post throughout the day as opposed to filling in elsewhere.) Discussed plans for at-risk population training session for our volunteers. In the coming months, Personnel will invite a staff member to each meeting to go over concerns, questions, etc.

Grace School of Ministry and Leadership was established, and Larissa Belknap was named as director (under the supervision of Kara Brown.) Alex Rule’s resignation in November emphasizes the need for ongoing evaluation of the Hispanic population’s involvement in the church.
As a team, we continue to try to protect our pastor from “overextension” and “pastoral exhaustion.” (Hopefully, without adding more stress to his busy agenda.)

We continue to “be devoted to one another in love.”
Peggy Schaffer, Personnel Committee chair

grace of christ church staff

Pastors Curt McFarland and Alex Rule; (Family & Children’s Ministry) Sarah Huck; (Student Ministries) Kara Brown and Jahzeel Garcia-Figueroa; (Preschool Director) Becca Mailand; (Preschool Teachers) Amber Miller, Danete Carvo, Ana Espinoza, Amiya Aparicio; (Childcare) Rachel Hilliker, Elise Bukowiec, Gracie Miller, Jennifer Brice, and Grace Johnson; (Media/IT) Deb Meyers; (Business Manager) Tammy Nunley; (Building/Grounds/Custodial) Dan Barela, John Yolo, and Marcus Barela; (Administrative Assistants) Aaron Brown and Ericka Clark; (Worship Leaders) Jason Wickson, Nathan Gross, and Jon Waite; Intern Director: Larissa Belknap; Interns: Linda Camarillo, Alexandria Moran, and Isaac Gambito.

business ministry

by Janet Krieger and Tammy Nunley
And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:20

In 2023, our congregation gave from the blessings received from God with a great faithfulness to fulfill pledges made. Other contributions, unpledged amounts received this year, were lesser than anticipated at 22% below the budgeted amount. The staff and ministry teams of Grace honored your giving with diligence to be good stewards of our resources.
This past year found Grace with significantly increased expenses for building maintenance, heating, and cooling costs. During the first two quarters of 2023 $64,000.00 was transferred from our savings account to our operating budget to allow us to meet expenses. Thanks to the generosity of our congregation, we were able to pay that amount back, in full in December, using year-end gifts given to the church.

Throughout the year difficult financial decisions were made to ensure the budget year ended with a positive bottom line.
  • Pastor Alex’s position was reduced from full time to part time; Pastor Alex ultimately chose to transition away from ministry at Grace.
  • The position of secretarial support in our front office was not replaced full time when that individual accepted a job in another setting.     
  • The presence of our safety officer decreased during the week.

During this past year Business Ministry approved use of budgeted designated dollars as follows:
  • Installation of a wrought iron fence to improve safety at the east side stairway entrance.
  • Financial support of Grace’s Preschool
  • Staff Salary increase of 5.9 percent.

As 2023 ended we gave thanks to our God for the generous response of His people to support the mission and ministry of Grace.

the foundation board

by Joe Park
Through the Foundation the church has been able to provide continuing support for long term ministries created by the church. This year I want to report on two of the three areas the Foundation can provide financial support.

The Foundation Board continues to work with the Grace School of Ministry and Leadership - the Intern program - by providing scholarship funding for those interns which qualify.  

We also provide scholarship assistance to students enrolled in programs outside the local church.  They include Annabelle Peebles as she attends Whitworth University and Aaron Barker as he works toward completing his seminary education. (See pictures)

Your continued support to our church foundation enables the Foundation Board to assist in providing the resources to see these ministries grow. None of this is possible without the support of our congregation members. Thank you for your support.

If you would like more information on how you can be a part of these ministries, please contact the church office.  They will put you in contact with a board member who can respond to your questions.

Foundation Board: Joe Park (chairman), Rhonda Dolsen, Linda Drumhiller, Marshall Grove, Dottie Hildebrand, Jake Kupp, Curt McFarland, Rich Millet, Tammy Nunley, Sue Stolzenbach, David Thorner, and Gloria Valencia

the great commission fund 

by Don Stuber
Find Your Mission. Find Your Passion.

Funding: As of the November 30, 2023 monthly report, The Great Commission Fund has $175,365.46 in the fund. In addition, there is $370,000 in Legacy Funds, which will be deposited upon the death of the donor.

Goal: The purpose of the Great Commission fund is three-fold: Produce young missionaries from Yakima, partially fund Grace of Christ members to go on a mission trip, and to support Global Missions, as the need occurs.

Distribution: In June of 2023, the GCF had bad days, with the stock market losing money. However, we did have just enough to give scholarships to five of the people who went on the Mission Trip. Our church took a mission trip to Kona, Hawaii to support and work alongside Aaron and Ronda Barker. The group consisted of 15 members, of which two were from our youth group. The group helped the Barker’s church to have a splash in the King Kamehameha parade and celebration. The team manned booths that handed out flyers, told the Gospel with folding paper, and generally welcomed all-comers. On another day, the team presented a Vacation Bible School in a park with students from Ronda Barker’s school. This was the first event that had occurred for these students since the Covid Epidemic shut down all activities.

The biggest impact was from touring and getting to experience the Youth with a Mission (YWAM) Training Center. Four hundred students were there at the Discipleship Training School that Aaron Barker helps to lead. Belen Damian-Vazquez from our group was especially touched. (Pictured Belen Vazquez and Ronda Barker) She decided that upon graduating from high school, she would join YWAM and learn to be a missionary. But how to pay for it?

One of the couples on the trip had a car accident the previous January. The wife’s shoulder was injured. While they were at DTS on the mission trip, they got a call from their insurance company that $20,000 had been put into their checking account. On the spot, they pledged to pay for Belen to go to DTS when she graduated. God still works in amazing and unexpected ways.

Future: The stock market has made a turnaround and headed north! We expect to have enough earnings off our principle to pay for our Young Group’s Mission Trip this next summer. If you know of any teenager in Yakima that is wanting to go on a mission trip, please bring it to our attention. Our tag line is “Find Your Mission. Find Your Passion.”

Pictures: Grace Mission Trip to Kona 2023: (1) The Group  (2) VBS  (3) Belen and Ronda

Family & children's Ministries

by Sarah Huck
Family Ministries had a full year in 2023. We hosted two Starry Starry Nights, which are evenings of sacred and classical music that are free and open to the community. This event continues to be well attended and very successful. It is a wonderful outreach as many who come do not attend church.

Last September, Family Ministries asked Rebecca Whitmore to facilitate an English to Spanish class for 8 weeks on Monday mornings.  We had steady numbers each week, and at least half of those who attended the class did not come from our church. What made this class unique was the community that grew from this time. Rebecca is not only a gifted teacher but created an atmosphere for connection through intelligence and humor.

Trunk or Treat was a great success. We had hundreds of people from our area come by for games, a cake walk, and so much candy! We were able to meet new friends and have a fun, safe evening.

In December the Grace Kids led worship. Families loved gathering in the KidZone area for breakfast between services. God is at work, bringing families closer together, closer to Him.

Pictures: (1) Starry Starry Night Performance  (2) Trunk or Treat  (3) Breakfast in between services. (Kids led in Worship)

student Ministries

by Kara Brown
Pictures: (1) High School Gals  (2) Wednesday Youth Group  (3) Guy's Hiking Trip

I want to share with you how God has been at work in Grace Student Ministries, firstly, through the words of the students themselves: “Youth Group has helped me open up and socialize.  I struggle a lot with making new friends, but now everyone is my friend.” – High School Sophomore.  “I’ve grown closer to God through Youth Group by experiencing new things, listening to others’ testimonies, and learning how to hear God’s voice.” – High School Junior.

The most exciting highlights from 2023 are the new groups forming out of GSM (Grace Student Ministries) that help youth and young adults to grow in their faith.  From January-May, a group of 3-5 high school gals committed to 3-4 daily devotion and journaling assignments for each week and then met weekly with me to share what they were learning from God.  What a joy to watch young people learn to personally hear and respond to the voice of God!  

Over the Summer, we began to see local neighborhood kids come through our doors on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings to join us.  We’ve welcomed 5 new semi-regular attenders to GSM through simply loving our neighbor well.    

This Fall, we launched our School of Ministry and Leadership, formed to create mentors and leadership for our Youth.  These interns have made a huge difference in how well we can serve and care for our youth each week!  

And lastly, spurred by the presence of SML interns, we’ve created a space for our graduating youth to continue to be nurtured and enjoy community here at Grace through our Young Adult Meet-Up with Kathaleen in between services on Sunday mornings.

We continue to hold to and witness the promises of Isaiah 60.4. "Don’t be shy; don’t be doubtful; lift up your eyes and look around. They have gathered all around you, eager to come and be close to you. And your children will come back to this land: your sons from the farthest places of wandering, and your daughters gently carried home.” (The Voice)

Kara Brown, Director of Student Ministries

grace school of ministry & leadership
intern program

by Larissa Belknap
Photo: Kara Brown (Dir Student Min), Larissa Belknap (Intern Dir), Jahzeel Garcia (Asst. for Student Min), Interns: Linda Camarillo, Alex Moran, and Isaac Gambito

“When I look out at the people in this church, I see wisdom.”  This is just one of the many insightful comments from our School of Ministry and Leadership interns. From day one, Grace church members have been more than eager to share their wisdom, gifts, and passion for serving others. In response, our interns have been soaking it all in.

They have had the privilege of assisting in various ministries, such as serving on the technology team, organizing outreach and youth events, and even mentoring youth. Kara Brown has received many thankful responses from the youth that attend Grace events. These comments range from the interns being “super fun” to being someone they can count on when they “need someone to talk to”.  These interns are growing spiritually, but also personally and academically as they are each taking college classes through Northwest University, attending leadership classes and Bible studies, and meeting with individual mentors.  

Without the internship and church support from Grace, one intern stated that they “wouldn’t be able to attend college” and serve where they feel God has called them.  The School of Ministry and Leadership is truly a transformative journey for these interns that will leave a lasting impact on their earthly and eternal lives and the earthly and eternal lives of others.  I believe this transformative journey isn’t limited to our School of Ministry and Leadership team but also experienced by each of those that have shared their wisdom, gifts, and passion with these interns. It is such a blessing to see God’s work through the people in this church.
Do you know a High School Senior that would be blessed by participating in the School of Ministry and Leadership?  Please contact Kara Brown (


by Becca Mailand
“I went to this preschool as a child, and I am so excited to send my own children here! Things have definitely changed with time, but the heart of this school is still there.” Past Preschool Parent

“My son LOVES his teachers. We have seen so much growth this year. The patience the teachers have is what counts.” Preschool Parent

“Singing about the little Baby Jesus is my favorite thing. And recess. And snack time. But I love coloring. And being the special helper. Can I say everything is my favorite?” PreK Student

In 2023, we spent the summer cleaning, painting, and preparing the Mezzanine classroom for our PreK. During the COVID years, this space had become more of a storage closet than a usable space. As good stewards of our resources, we decided to create a clean and cozy environment for children and teachers to learn, play, and grow. Parents and teachers have loved being closer to the gym, playground, and parking lot!

One of our biggest challenges this year has been a change in teachers. From the start of the school year, parents, teachers, and students form a strong bond. We became a family. It was hard to see two teachers move on. It was scary to think about finding replacements. It was a blessing to see how God directed both Mrs. Carvo and Ms. Gracie to our school. Parents and students have fallen in love with their new teachers and our program is stronger because of them.

This current school year has also had a challenging financial aspect. Enrollment was down slightly in all classrooms. When I talk to other area preschools, we are all facing the same obstacles: low enrollment, free all day public PreK, financial struggles in families... Our plan here is to continue offering a high-quality Christian preschool until God tells us it’s time to stop. We love what we do and the people in our congregation have been so generous!

Registration is starting for 2024-25. Pray for families to find us. Tell your friends and neighbors we are still here and still going strong. Hang a flyer in your small business. Share our posts on Facebook. Let’s get the word out about Yakima Grace Preschool and build God’s Kingdom through these little hearts and minds!

mission ministry

by Michele Elledge
He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Mark 16:15

And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister.  1 John 4:21

As I pour through the MMT minutes from 2023, I see God’s hand at work through Grace of Christ time and again. Grace members reaching out to be God’s hands and feet both locally and throughout the world by stepping up to live out 1 John 4:21. Thank you for loving on the Adams students through the reading program and the Giving Tree Christmas gifts and party. Thank you for volunteering at Davis high school and with the Trailseekers program each week.  Thank you for meeting our neighbors’ needs through the Clothing Exchange, the Union Gospel Mission, and Love, INC. Thank you for wanting to learn additional ways to reach out to the unreached in the name of Christ through the Perspectives training program.  These are just a few of the amazing ways that Grace of Christ has stretched out to help fulfill the Great Commission.

Another way that Grace members reached out to those in need was through the Kona mission trip in Hawaii and the trips of Grace members to Cambodia. Through these mission trips, Grace of Christ was able to support YWAM missionaries; the Barkers in Hawaii and the Gustafsons in Cambodia.  Thank you for giving your gifts and talents by helping the people of Kona, Hawaii.  And thank you for the huge financial contributions to the orphanage in Battambang.  Your gifts have blessed many lives. Thank you.

Additionally, Grace of Christ was blessed to reconnect with several of our international missionaries.  In January, the Teusinks officially settled into their retirement here in Yakima after a lifetime out on the mission field.  Then in the fall, we were able to reconnect with Lani Johnson from the Philippines and David and Noni Graves from Indonesia. Thank you for taking the time to listen to their stories.  Thank you for all your prayers on their behalf.  Thank you for supporting MMT and Grace of Christ Missions.

Photos: (1) Adams Giving Tree  (2) Cambodia  (3) Mission Sunday (center - Lani Johnson from Blessings of Hope in Philippines)

hospitality ministry

by Linda Mathews and Cathy Campbell
Hospitality Ministry Team (HMT) purpose is two-fold:

First: We serve to extend the Welcome of Jesus to all who come to worship on Sunday mornings. The various acts of service we participate in are: Baptisms and Celebrations with a wonderful team led by Joann Benson. The Sunday morning refreshment team is led by Dave Whiteside. Dave is seeking a replacement due to outside family commitments. Donnie Ide heads our team of Ushers every Sunday morning and during additional events in the sanctuary. The Greeters and Welcome Center volunteers are a valuable asset to our Sunday mornings. The Sanctuary Guild adds additional beauty to the sanctuary during Easter and Christmas.

Second: HMT helps to facilitate opportunities to fellowship within the church family through hosting several events that take place at Grace. Ash Wednesday soup dinner, Trunk or Treat and the Church Thanksgiving dinner are just a few.

Throughout 2023, the Lord has blessed us with wonderful volunteers who have continued to serve faithfully in this ministry. Whether it is once or twice a year, or once a month, none of this could be done without the army of volunteers who step up to serve in one or more areas of HMT! Stop by the Welcome Center to learn more and be a part of the team.

Photos: (1) Greeters  (2) Thanksgiving Potluck  (3) Welcome Center Volunteers

baptisms and covenant partners

by Joann Benson
We have had a total of 22 baptisms (15 by sprinkling and 7 by immersion), 8 New Covenant Partners (members), and acknowledgement of the birth of 8 new babies this year. Our committee feels blessed to have the privilege of serving these families in this very special ministry.

Baby Celebration Team - Joann Benson, Sheryl Graham, Carolyn Henyan, Pat Ehl, Diane Smith, Linda Mathews, Sharren Chard, Donna Fuhlman, Vivian & Leo Dormaier, Joyce Young, and Lois Coleman.

Worship Ministry 

by Debbie Meyers
With God’s Grace, we were able to continue to offer both contemporary and traditional services to those who choose to worship in-person, on the web, or even, on their phone! Online streaming has especially been a blessing for families who are planning a Celebration of Life for a loved one, allowing out-of-town friends and families to attend the service virtually.

DOWNLOAD THE APP: The Yakima Grace App continues to be an easy way to watch online, as well as to stay connected with our Yakima Grace Family through notifications and easy access to publications such as Grace Alive, and the weekly Friday Letter and Sunday Flyer. If you haven’t already downloaded the App on your mobile device, simply go to your App store on your device and search for Yakima Grace – it’s totally free!

WELCOME ISAAC: What a joy it is to have Intern Isaac Gambito with us on Thursday evenings and Sunday mornings as we learn from him and he learns from us about Tech in Church.

SPECIAL THANKS: Special appreciation goes to Dave Geho, Tony Hafner, John Yolo, Karen Laurvick, Larry Hasen, Julie Hunziker and Helena Ojanen who volunteered many hours to serve our Church Family on Sunday mornings. Thank you for continued, faithful service to our Lord. It is with sadness that we said goodbye to Tracy Martin, who passed away suddenly in January. We also said goodbye to Julie at the end of the year so that she can focus more time on the Handbell Ministry.

JOIN US! Now is a great time to connect with our Tech Team. Won’t you consider joining the team? Please connect with Debbie Meyers at 248-7940 x109

Worship Ministry: prayer 

by Donna Fuhlman and Carla Kupp
We at Grace of Christ are Jesus’ people, loving God and loving others. The ministry of the Church needs to be empowered by the Spirit and grounded in Jesus.

Jesus tells us in His word that he wants His church (the body of Christ) to be a House of Prayer (Isaiah 56:7 & Mark 11:17). This is the vision of Grace Prayer Ministry, and we can report that the Holy Spirit has kept Prayer Ministry alive during the years of Covid restrictions. In fact, new intercessory prayer opportunities developed interceding for our Grace youth and another for prodigals who have drifted away from following Jesus. The weekly Prayer Letter is full of praises and prayer requests shared by our church family. In addition, a Prayer Chain is available for urgent prayer requests. We are so grateful for the dedicated group of Prayer Partners who are available after Sunday services and for the intercessors who are praying and interceding during the church services. Pray Yakima 24/7 gives us the opportunity to lift up the Yakima Valley in prayer on the second Sunday of each month. When more extensive individual prayer is requested, trained Sozo prayer partners are available.

In His priestly role, Jesus clears the way for human beings to approach our Father in heaven through prayer.” Prayer is a 2-way conversation and God’s plans are accomplished through our prayers with Him.

During 2024 we plan to grow the vision of prayer permeating every area of ministry in our church, nurture and grow the intercessory prayer teams and seek a Prayer Ministry Coordinator to oversee all the areas of prayer ministry at Grace of Christ.

Worship Ministry: traditional service

by Jason Wickson
It is an honor and a joy to serve in my capacity as director of traditional music and to lead our Temple Choir. In 2023, our choir actively contributed to our weekly worship services, presenting a diverse selection of anthems and hymns that complemented the liturgical calendar.

There are several memorable services of the past year that I would like to highlight. We were able to restore the tradition of the hymn sing this year. We hosted two “Festival of Hymns” services, which were a tremendous success. The input from the congregation on hymn selection was a delight, we reached individuals who had never before entered our church, and we were blessed to have members of our youth ministry participate in a leadership role. Additionally, our 80th Carols and Candles service was a touching celebration. This Christmas felt like the complete reclamation of everything that the enemy tried to steal during the Covid era. The returned normalcy and miraculous feeling that this celebration delivered was beautiful. Additionally, we enjoyed having two choir members return from university to sing with us.

Our choir meets for regular rehearsal on Wednesday evening, which is one of my favorite times of the week. The commitment our choir members make to lead our congregation in worship, to each other, and to our community is admirable. The love in our group and the genuine care for each other is something that I have felt since my first visit to Grace and it remains strong.

I express my heartfelt gratitude to the choir for their dedication and ministry. Special thanks to our organist Jon Waite, church leadership, congregation, and all who support the music ministry at Grace. I am eager and committed to another year of inspiring worship through musical excellence.

Worship Ministry: Contemporary Service

by Nathan Gross
2023 has been a wonderful year, a year of stretching, and trusting God in many ways. We continue to strive toward growing in our understanding of what it means to truly worship Him, and we continue to pray that our church family is able to draw closer to the Lord through our ministry.

The great blessing of our team members cannot be missed, and we are constantly reminded of the many blessings and responsibility that come with this calling. We want to make sure that it’s known that our team is always willing and ready to connect with new members. If you know anyone who should or would like to join us, please let us know!

We’ve had a few ups and downs with our team and schedule this year, with health, pain, and busyness being key factors. Thankfully, through all of it, our team has remained mostly intact, and we’ve even had some members rejoin us after some time away. We look forward to what God has in store for us as a family moving forward, as we continue to stretch and grow our God-given talents, while helping others connect with Him in ways that are personal to each and every congregant.

We are still truly grateful for our connection with our Gracia de Cristo friends and family, and the music and language that are able to reach into our community in unique ways. This year has shown growth in this area, and we are excited to see where God leads us through this.

We excitedly look forward to 2024 as we follow God’s lead in worship and praise! We pray that God’s grace, love, peace, kindness and mercy continue to fill your lives throughout this upcoming year. Thank you for being a part of our wonderful Grace family!

men's & women's ministries 

Men meet monthly for a home-cooked breakfast at the church. The group continues to grow both in numbers and closer together in their friendships.

Last fall our Women’s Ministry Team hosted Come to the Table, a women’s retreat at Lake Chelan. We were joined by guest speaker Sarah Cooper from Richland as well as our own Robin Stuber. About 90 women came together to intentionally encounter God and the weekend did not disappoint!

camp ghormley

by Joel Whitehead
As I look back on the year of ministry in 2023 at Camp Ghormley, the highlight that sticks out to me is our growing ministry to young adults and high school students. Some of those highlights included the following:

  • We saw our second annual Young Adult Retreat quadruple in size to 40 attendees.
  • We hired older high school students to serve throughout the summer with us
  • We had a full summer staff team (high school and college students) for the first time in 5 years
  • One of our summer staff, Reggie Davis, has stayed on during this school year as an intern

It is a blessing to be able to disciple young people who are at a critical stage of their life and faith journey, to help them mature in life, and see real growth in their faith with Christ. They are moldable and so willing to grow!

Reggie Davis is the best example of the impact of this ministry. Reggie attended Ghormley as a camper during his younger years, but struggled to feel like he belonged and was welcomed and accepted in his life, which led him down a path where he searched for satisfaction in a lot of places that ultimately left him feeling empty during his high school and college years.

Praise God that He never stops pursuing us! Reggie rekindled his faith in Christ in the past few years, moved back to the Yakima area in 2023, and almost immediately ended up reaching out to us at Camp Ghormley to see about serving with us. Reggie served on summer staff and then was offered and gladly accepted the opportunity to serve as an intern during the school year. By staying with us for an extended period of time, it has allowed Reggie to really grow his faith roots deep in a Christ-centered community and learn what it means to be a Godly young man, while serving in many ways.

We are incredibly thankful for Reggie and praise God for the many thousands more who He has allowed us to minister to in this past year.

Gratefully submitted,
Joel Whitehead
Executive Director of Camp Ghormley