Made In HIS Image (11AM)

Jan 22, 2023    Curt McFarland

As we enter our third week in the study of the book of Genesis we arrive at a passage that addresses one of the greatest controversies of our day, the controversy surrounding our identity. 

At one time or another we have all asked the question, “Who am I?” Sometimes we phrase it this way, “I’m not really sure I know who I am … I need to take time to find myself. “The desire is good. We want to live intentionally, honestly, not conforming to who others expect us to be, being true to ourselves. 

Who do I want to be? How do I want to express myself? What do I believe? What are my priorities in life? What am I good at? Who or what do I turn to in order to find answers to my identity questions? 

We’ve been told by parents, peers, teachers, TV, movies, music, ads, that we need to be this way, look that way, prioritize this rather than that. “You’re a natural tennis player” “You were made to be a teacher.” “You are … (fill in the blank)” So many outside voices trying to shape us, tell us who we are, and who we ought to be. 

But is that really who I am? How do I know that I’m not trying to be who others think I should be, or want me to be? This quest to find ourselves sometimes takes us into unexpected and unusual places, not always good places. We fall in with the wrong crowd. We dabble in dangerous activities, with dangerous substances and addictions.  These, and more, offer to help us find ourselves. We drastically reject our past, our upbringing, throwing out the good with the bad. 

We can only wander in the desert so long, experiment so long, ruminate so long. At some point we have to arrive at, or move closer to, answers to the questions before us. We cannot drift thorough life on a continual “search for ourselves” identity-less. Honestly that would be extremely selfish and would, itself, ultimately become our identity. At some point we have to trust someone or something to help us with the questions of who we are, and what we will be. There comes a day we must set a course and move forward even though we do not, and will not, have complete answers to all of our questions. Who, or what, can help us? Christian faith claims that our identity has been given to us by God. And it is only as we move closer to God, enter into a direct relationship with Him and with His people (the church), that we discover the freedom and the power to be who we were created to be. We spend the rest of our days learning and living that out.  Who are you? Who will you be? At Grace we are discovering that together and it will take us beyond ourselves.